Mon, 02/01/2021 - 17:25 | Relationship, Marriage and Family, Dating | 0 Comments

It's an undeniable fact that marriages don't last these days. It's not that people are not getting married but how to sustain the marriage, how to maintain the relationship has become the struggle. This write up seeks to offer few antidotes to the problem, it's my hope you will take it serious and share with others.

Tue, 01/19/2021 - 18:09 | Marriage and Family, Love and Romance, Dating, Relationship | 0 Comments

When we talk about attention in the context of relationship, lots of people believe women are the ones who demand a lot of it, some men even tag them as attention seekers. Many people don't know men actually demand attention whilst women seek attention. Yes, you heard me right. When women talk about attention, they are looking for someone who will make time to talk to them. It’s her desire her man will make time to talk to her. She is more hurt when he is not making time to talk to her.

Thu, 09/14/2017 - 14:09 | Dating, Relationship, Marriage and Family, Love and Romance | 0 Comments

Will your partner still love you if you can't give them sex or satisfy them in bed? Will they stay when you are broke or fired from work? Will they still be with you if you lose your home or you become homeless? What shows your partner will still agree to be with you when you have nothing to offer them? Will they find a way to be with you or look for an excuse to leave you?

Wed, 09/06/2017 - 14:26 | Marriage and Family | 0 Comments

We all have wishes, dreams and plans for the future; when it comes to marriage, and you have to choose any woman as a wife to spend the rest of your life with then never settle on a side chick. It doesn't matter her looks or how much you feel about her, not even if the lady in question claims to love you, for she is just with another woman's man for the money, comfort and support, for as long as it lasts.

Thu, 08/31/2017 - 15:02 | Dating, Marriage and Family | 0 Comments

It is an undeniable fact that, to be old and wise, one must first be young and stupid but when it comes to marriage, which is one decision that affects your life permanently, you don't want to jeopardize that. That is why it must be done well; you need a partner who is old and wise before you venture into this life time journey. If you don't and end up marrying a girl instead of a woman as a wife, you will live in frustration.

Tue, 08/29/2017 - 15:12 | Marriage and Family | 0 Comments

Many relationships are in crises today because one is married to an immature person. Truth be told, many women are marred to boys. Boys who are not ripe for marriage. Boys who need to stay a little longer with their parents. If you have to marry then look for a man-friend and not a boy-friend.

Being mature is not about age or your college degree or earnings. Maturity is about responsibilities. You can be old and still act as a child. You can be old and still not be responsible. Being a man is about responsibility, to be able to cultivate, keep and provide.

Mon, 08/28/2017 - 11:42 | Love and Romance, Marriage and Family | 0 Comments

Love is a choice we make, a decision we take. You can choose to love an enemy; and in some marriages people are married to their enemies and not lovers. Enemies because of the treatment, insult, abuse, etc. they get.

In case you are married and wake up to find out your loving spouse has turned into an enemy overnight, what do you do; knowing marriage has a door but no window; knowing marriage is for better for worse; knowing divorce is not God's plan for marriage.

Fri, 08/25/2017 - 22:09 | Dating, Marriage and Family | 0 Comments

Love has brought lots of pains into the lives of young people more especially because of the wrong choice of a life partner. Pains as a result of dating at the wrong time of their life. Love leaves memories that no can steal, imagine if the memory is a painful one?

Thu, 08/17/2017 - 22:22 | Marriage and Family | 0 Comments

Don't marry a mummy's boy, rather marry your man. If you want to have a happy marriage as a woman then you need a man whose attention you don't have to compete for. You need a man who puts you first. A man who puts you above his mother, he doesn't regard you more than her but you are top on his priorities. If you marry a man who makes the mother more important than you, then you married a wrong man.

Thu, 05/04/2017 - 01:01 | Marriage and Family | 0 Comments

It is very true that no human being is perfect; everyone has a blemish, a blind spot, a shortfall and a weakness but that doesn't prevent you from having a perfect marriage; a marriage suitable for just you and your spouse. Being imperfect as an individual cannot stop you and your partner from becoming a perfect couple. 

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