Fri, 04/14/2017 - 22:48 | Marriage and Family | 0 Comments

It is sad to know that many marriages have become a garden of pains, spouses have hurt each other, not willing to forgive, living like roommates, filled with anger, regrets and bitterness. Such marriages are running out of love, the spouses are not sensitive and are heartless towards one another. If you find yourself in such a marriage, all hope is not lost, let the lesson from Easter restore your union.

Thu, 04/13/2017 - 22:54 | Marriage and Family | 0 Comments

It's amazing to see the so called ugly or not good looking women getting married to good men, whilst the presumed good looking, fascinating single women struggle to find a man of their own, not to talk of a husband. And they ask themselves, what's wrong with me? Am I under any curse?

Sat, 04/08/2017 - 23:00 | Marriage and Family | 0 Comments

Men are not God and can never be. God is superior. Men are not lords over women as many think, men are supposed to be head of their families, a husband, father and a friend. Your role as a leader is to serve. It isn't to use your position to intimidate your own family, abuse or cause them pains, but to bring them relief, smiles, hope, comfort and above all to love them.

Fri, 03/31/2017 - 23:48 | Marriage and Family | 0 Comments

Have you ever wondered why the man who was so much into you and so excited about you, has become cold towards you all of a sudden. He is always too busy for you and doesn't return your calls as he used to;  doesn't seem to care about you like he used to, and yet when you ask what is wrong,  he says nothing?

Thu, 03/30/2017 - 03:41 | Marriage and Family | 0 Comments

Sometimes you wonder why the woman in your life says ‘I am okay” and refuses to answer your questions, when you know deep within that there is something wrong. This happens because her mind is busy in thoughts; "Is he the right man for me? Am I making a mistake? Why does he treat me like I am nothing to him? Does he really love me? Or is he just leading me on?" These are few of the questions she tries to find answers to. 

Tue, 03/28/2017 - 03:51 | Marriage and Family | 0 Comments

Ladies, no matter how desperate you are, never marry a man who doesn’t listen to you. Never marry Mr. "Know it all". A man who is always right in his eyes. Even if he is a pastor in a church or a committed Christian, he is still a wrong man for you. 

Such a man is arrogant and filled with pride. Living with such a man is like living in hell. He makes you feel like a child or a fool who doesn't matter, who doesn't know their right from left. He sees you as an empty headed person; to him what you bring out is noise. 

Fri, 03/10/2017 - 04:14 | Marriage and Family | 0 Comments

It's scary to say but that is the truth. Technology which was meant to make our lives better is rather causing more harm because of misuse. Partners these days are more compatible with their phones than with their spouse. We can't live a day without our phones but we can live without our partners. We are married to our phones. We treat our phones better than our spouses..

Tue, 02/21/2017 - 04:38 | Marriage and Family | 0 Comments

Most relationships end not because of the good side of the partners in the relationship but their bad side. As far as we have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory, no human being is ever going to be perfect. No matter how good, nice or wonderful you are, you have a bad side. Call it your weaknesses, we all have it. Something you can't do away with. 

Mon, 02/13/2017 - 22:22 | Marriage and Family | 0 Comments

The goal of the wife or the woman is to get married to a man with vision, a man with direction, so he can lead her. But the story is different these days with some ladies. Desperation, loneliness and pressure from society is pushing some women to rather lead men with no vision; trying to be a mother for these men they are supposed to get married to; planting flowers in the yard of men who don't have what it takes to water it. 

Fri, 02/03/2017 - 23:30 | Marriage and Family | 0 Comments

Most people cheating use anger as a cover up for their ill behaviour. You are wrong and because you don't want to be questioned, you adapt the strategy of anger to prevent your partner from talking about it; using that as an escape route. You hurt the one who loves you with your behaviour and act as if you are being hurt. You stabbed the very person you call loved one a thousand times with your actions, and then acted as if you were the one bleeding. 

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